Writing can take over your life. It did mine. (Again.)
I look at the date on the last post and cringe. What a gap (!). Where did the time go?
Well, I know where it went: It flew by while sitting in front of the keyboard, fingers whizzing, deadlines looming and running past, fingers whizzing some more.
I've been swallowed up by writing.
I venture to say that everyone is feeling it. Kids. Husband. And especially me.
I have to ask: Why do I do it? Why do I write at all hours and through the weekend? Then I have to answer bluntly (and there are two answers): sustenance (translated "I have to work to eat") and passion (translated "obsession").
I dream for the day when writing is only the passion-obsession part. I have a sneaking suspicion that then, it won't feel so strange at this particular moment of realization...if I have the moment, then.
In the meantime, I vow once again to try to balance my life to include some fun--which means going on a walk with the dog on a sunny day, going to a movie that isn't a late show, painting a picture with a child, calling that long-lost friend...and, yes, blogging.
And I vow not to cave to the deadline breathing down my neck.
This post is definitely for my benefit. But maybe you have been swallowed up by writing, too.
That's what I'm doing. I think it's a good move.
To you...and to me,